Stockings with Bibles
Across Russia and Abkhazia, millions of children are in crisis and have never heard of the Lord Jesus Christ. Share JOY this Christmas through the Stuff a Stocking project, reaching one child at a time for eternity. SOAR partners with local churches in this vital outreach and this project is a unique opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child in Russia and Abkhazia. You can be a part of it! In order to offset the increasing expense and red tape involved in importing gifts and aid into Russia, gifts are purchased and stockings filled in Russia. Your gift of just $40 fills one stocking with needed hygiene items, warm mittens & hat, snacks and other gifts for these precious children. A Bible is also included with every stocking. We also encourage you to write a letter to the child that will get your stocking. These kids love to receive a letter!